About Kurzemes NGO Center

We are non-profit organization “Kurzeme NGO Centre”, what mostly work in territory that covers 1/4 of Latvia, called Kurzeme. We are the only organization in Kurzeme, which implements civic society activation and support activities in all Kurzeme region and has wider knowledge on active NGOs in Kurzeme and their work, including youth organizations.

Our activity focuses in two directions:

  • Civic competences and participation
  • Information, consultation, support for associations and foundations

Our work include consultating, training, exchanges of experience, knowledge transfers, questionnaires to identify situation in Kurzeme in the field of civic society development, useful information for NGO’s gathering and distribution.
Our most important activities:

  • Consultation and Education NGOs and Civil Counseling
  • Coordinating useful NGO information and maintaining an NGO database
  • NGO Networking and Knowledge Transfer
  • Representing NGO interests
  • Investigation of the NGO sector
  • NGO Funding Administration
  • Community activation

Taking into consideration these activities, Kurzeme NGO Centre has all the possibilities to motivating and involving active people in different activities and projects. Main aim – these ideas and projects must develop our society!


Important things about us:

  • Status of public beneficial organization
  • 25 years experience in development of civic society
  • Good reputation among both NGOs and public administration
  • Wide network of cooperation both in our region and throughout Latvia
  • More than 230 projects (mostly in development of civic society or in work with youth).
  • 68 members within different fields of activity (civic society strengthening and development; history of commemoration; social work; children and youth; sport and healthy lifestyle; culture and art; environment (protection, development); support for the disabled people; charity)

Our contacts: Head of the Board Maija Jankovska, maija@kurzemesnvo.lv, +371 26516115